Disney, We Have A Problem...
Lately it seems that you cannot turn your head without seeing a former Disney star gone crazy... (The poster children for this were Britney 'Train-wreck' Spears and Linsey '3-Time Rehab Veteran' Lohan). But now there is NEW GENERATION of young Disney stars, and they seem to be on similar collision course. First it was the Vanessa Hudgens nude photo scandal, then reports of Vanessa and Zac Efron (both underage) downing Martinis in a swanky L.A. club. But despite these High School Musical slip ups, Hannah Montana, err Miley Cyrus, has remained out of the scandal spotlight... UNTIL NOW! I'm not saying these are the most scandalous pictures in the world, in fact they might be entirely harmless, but since these shots surfaced on the internet late Thursday night, parents have complained that they are TOO suggestive for a girl that JUST TURNED 15! Your Music, Your Station, YOU can decide for yourself! What do you think?
Hey, at least she ins't pregnant.
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