Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Injured While Drinking...

Ok, first let me just say that over my vacation I went to Cincinnati where, during the Cleveland blizzard, they had a total of 3, yes, 3 inches of snow. The city freaked out! They are wimps. Everything closed down for a couple days expect for one bar called the 'Cadillac Ranch.' Fortunately for this blog, the Cadillac Ranch had a mechanical bull. Mechanical Bull riding pictures are always fun. I'm up first!!

Here's some more!
Ashley shows the bull who's HOSS... get it?
Michael with perfect form.
Marjorie... scared to death!!

****BUT BEWARE: You never know when a fun trip to the Cadillac Ranch will end in someone leaving in an ambulance. Poor Guy... the Bull Fought back.

I promise no blood shots... but I tried to capture the rest of the scene.
Thanks to Cincinnati's finest!


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