Saturday, March 29, 2008


We were talking about the times when you had to sit a friend down and tell her that the dude she was dating was BAD NEWS!! The phones went CRAZY. Thanks for all your calls and emails. We ran out of time and I couldn't read them all on the air, but this email from Q-listener JEN was great!!! Have a look...

-----Original Message-----
From: Jen
Sent: Fri 3/28/2008 8:48 PM
To: Kruz, Rob
Subject: The Boyfriend Intervention

Hey Rob,

I'm sitting here in Strongsville listening to your show, and to add my two
cents to tonight's discussion, I've both given an intervention and been
given an intervention about an unsavory significant other:

When we were in college, one of my best guy friends got into a relationship
with a mutual aquaintence whom I knew to be a serial cheater. At the time,
my friend and I weren't that close, but after a couple of months I was tired
of listening to him beat himself up over how nothing seemed to be good
enough for her and listening to her gloat to everyone under the sun about
how she enjoyed leading him on but she "couldn't see herself committing to
one person" and so was cheating on him with multiple other guys. The sad
thing is we had a group of mutual friends, many a LOT closer to him than I
was, and all knew what was going on, but I was the only one who went and
actually told him he needed to rid himself of her for good.

A few years later, I was miserably engaged to a guy that in retrospect was
extremely possessive and a real creep, but at the time I wouldn't dump him
because I couldn't think of a good enough reason to (dumb excuse, I know)
and any time I mentioned that I needed space, the guy would start bawling
and going on about how he couldn't live without me and alluded that he'd
kill himself if I left (!!!!!!!). The more time went on, the worse the
situation became, and the more miserable I was, until the guy friend I'd
helped break away from psycho cheater girl repaid the favor.

In an interesting turn of fate, my guy friend and I ended up becoming very
close and started seeing each other. Though neither of us had romantic
intentions in mind when we staged our respective interventions, we're now in
the most stable and loving relationship either of us have ever been in and
are looking at purchasing a home together and getting married : )


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