Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Did you know that the kind of Halloween candy you give out is a reflection onto yourself. It is true, here is a few of the different personality traits related to your candy.

• Loose Change -- These people tend to be procrastinators. The fact they answer the door instead of pretending not to be there for trick- or-treaters is a sign of there Genuine interest in people and loyalty to friends.

• Candy Corn, Orange Colored Marshmallow, Puff "Peanuts," etc. -- You know how to pinch every last penny out of a dollar. You prefer spending your money on you, not someone you will never see again.

• M&M's/Snickers/Milky Way -- Right off the top, you're cool. Quality over quantity is the name of the game with you. You love a great party, are conscious and considerate of others. Likely to be a natural leader. Positive and upbeat on the outside even if your innards are tied in knots.

• Skittles/Reese's Pieces -- You're up on trends and fashion. You know what's hot and what's not. If older than 35, very likely to have children at home. A little different than the average bear but in a quirkyway. You often feel out of place but you cover it well and no one has ever noticed.

• Other name brand candy -- You like to mix things up a bit. You hate surprises -- but love to surprise others. Most likely, you bought a candy that you happen to enjoy rather than a candy that's popular with kids. This group is the most likely to be overweight.


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